New document on Sexuality Education

Published on 6th Mar, 2020

The National Centre for Religious Studies has produced a new framing document for Catholic Schools and the wider Aotearoa Catholic community on human sexuality education. Published last December, it is titled He Anga Whakamārama – Te Mātauranga Hōkakatanga: He puka ārahi mā ngā hapori Katorika o Aotearoa (Framing Document – Human Sexuality Education: A guide for Catholic communities in Aotearoa New Zealand).

The document examines the Church’s understanding of human sexuality and the reasons why it is an important area for exploration and teaching within Catholic schools and communities as well as practical guidance for what should be taught, how and by whom at appropriate ages.

In his foreword Bishop Patrick Dunn says: ‘The Catholic Bishops of Aotearoa New Zealand commend this document as a guide for human sexuality education in this land, and to assure educators and whānau of their prayerful support.’

The framing document is online at

Published in WelCom March 2020

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