Ambassadors for Christ

Published on 3rd Feb, 2018


“Lent is the season that calls us to account for our ambassadorial duties.”

Fr James Lyons

Ambassadors are not chosen lightly and they are very aware of their privileged responsibility. They do their best to serve well the country they represent.

The annual season of Lent opens with Ash Wednesday and the announcement of St Paul that we are ambassadors for Christ. The description has a stop and think reaction. Christians represent the power and the goodness of God. Not a temporary assignment like that of the diplomats, but a permanent commission.

Ash Wednesday, scorching the forehead with ash in the form of a cross, is a shock therapy to shatter any apathy or lack of enthusiasm for the role, re-booting the mission.

And the mission? To put no obstacle in anyone’s way so that no fault may be found with our ministry. Be reconciled to God!

We know how to do this because we know what a country expects of its representatives: people who are loyal and faithful; who have an unshakeable belief in what their country stands for and who show those values in the way they live their own lives. They need to speak the language of their host country and be part of the local environment, while also influencing that environment with the strengths of their own culture: patience, kindness, holiness of spirit, genuine love.

Be reconciled! This is not an appeal to be made to others, but to ourselves. We Christians are taken from the very world to which we are then sent, transformed into ambassadors to live peaceful, joyful lives, lives rich with thanksgiving and forgiveness. This makes us capable of showing another way to those whose lives are focussed differently, who see little value in compassion, who put self before all else, who equate happiness with pleasure.

Lent is the season that calls us to account for our ambassadorial duties. Its purpose is not to make us feel bad because of failure, but to encourage us to move on with confidence. Lent is especially the time to work together, to support one another and to gift something of our own treasure to help others enjoy life.

In other words, to live the difference.

“We are ambassadors for Christ, as if God were appealing through us.” 2 Corinthians 5:20

The cross of Jesus is a sign of contradiction, a tree of life. Signed with a cross made of ash, we are far from burnt out. We are enlivened by the Spirit and sent to represent the one in whom all things were made, to announce the day of salvation.

Be reconciled! Let the ashes received open every Christian heart not just to the season of repentance, but to a way of life sparkling with joy that others will find irresistible.

Lent is indeed ‘the favourable time’.

Published in WelCom February 2018

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