The Cathedral Parish will celebrate 100 years over the weekend of 21-22 March
Pleroma Christian Supplies is seeking a Manager to oversee their daily operations
The New Plymouth Catholic Parish is looking for a Strategic Leader to join their vibrant team
The Year of Jubilee was officially opened in Palmerston North on 2 Feb 2025
Bishop John has announced the clergy appointments for 2025
ACN has made an urgent appeal for prayer and financial support for all residents of Aleppo, Syria
Pope Francis’ new ambassador to New Zealand and the Pacific has formally presented his credentials
Pope Francis has published a new encyclical focusing on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the context of
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand invites communities around the country to come together in prayer
The Pope announced he has chosen to not write an Apostolic Exhortation following the Synod
Taking part in the Synod on Synodality is much like participating in a hui
‘Our places of Worship’ was the title for Whanganui Camera Club’s annual members’ exhibitition
40 women of all ages, from PG groups across Palmerston North parishes came together for high tea
Whanganui parishioners were treated to 90 minutes of Irish singing in St Mary’s Church Hall
Bishop Peter shares a letter to Pope Francis about greater diversity within ordained ministries
New Zealand’s Catholic bishops and leaders of religious congregations have renewed a ‘sincere and
Sr Helena Fouhy celebrated her 100th birthday and 80th anniversary of her profession in September
A recent enquirer said she felt uncomfortable confessing to her parish priest, who she knew well
Choose forgiveness, know peace | Kōwhiria te murunga hara, kia mōhio ki te rangimārie
On 27 Sept, members in 153 countries worldwide celebrate the feast of St Vincent de Paul
The New Zealand Catholic bishops have approved ‘Infinite Dignity = Infinite Love’ as the theme for
‘I no longer believe!’ The words were shouted. And the voice was angry
There is so much misinformation about how Catholics view Mary: do we worship her, or not?
As the next meeting on synodality happens at the global level we need to do our best to ensure that
The long-running Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care was made public on 24 July 2024
Bishop Owen Dolan celebrated his 70th anniversary of priesthood on 25 July 2024
The theme for the World Day of Prayer for Creation on 1 Sept 2024 is "Hope and Act with Creation"
Kevin Frost installed as new PN SVdP President; thanks Rose Semmens for 3 years of leadership
The appointment was announced on 27 July 2024
A statement on the final report of the Royal Commission was read out at parishes on 21 July
Job opportunity for Prison Chaplaincy
Some highlights of the re-opening of The Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Wellington
Three days of celebrations mark the reopening of the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
'Towards October 2024' includes Catholic voices from around Aotearoa New Zealand
Please consider taking this anonymous survey
The Cathedral Parish invites everyone to come and join them for their Pentecost Celebrations
Representatives from across NZ gathered to review draft synthesis for next stage of the Synod
A recap of the Synod on Synodality steps so far
Caritas Aotearoa, Australia, & Canada have issued a joint statement to their countries governments
Vocation Sunday is a worldwide day of prayer for vocations to the priesthood and religious life
Deacon Rebecca Packer has been appointed as co-Chief Executive for the Sisters of Compassion
What does Christianity look like to those who are not Christian?
A re-opening ceremony of the Suzanne Aubert Rongoā Garden was held in January
Former Army Chaplain Fr Brian Fennessy ED, reflects on the meaning of ANZAC Day
Lent has been a time of entering into the spiritual ‘land’ which is God’s domain
The bishops have written a letter asking everyone in our parishes to support the Caritas Lent Appeal
Everyone is invited to attend the Chrism Mass on Tuesday 26 March, 12:05pm
Archbishop Paul has written a letter to the faithful following media stories about Cardinal John Dew
People from the Hawke's Bay reflect on the impact of the devastating cyclone last year