Advent Greetings – Ngā mihi o te Aweneti

Published on 1st Dec, 2016
Tangiwai, by artist Julia B Lynch, Copyright from Nga Whaea Atawhai of Aotearoa Sisters of Mercy New Zealand.

Tangiwai, by artist Julia B Lynch, Copyright from Nga Whaea Atawhai of Aotearoa Sisters of Mercy New Zealand.


Te Aweneti – He Kupu Taurangi mō ngā Āhuatanga Hou e tū mai rā

Rīkona Danny Karatea-Goddard

Ko te haerenga mai o te Ariki te pūtake o te Aweneti hei whakamaumaharatanga ki tōna whānautanga mai me tōna hokinga mai hei nga rā whakamutunga. Ko ia te wā hoki kia rite tāua mō te wā ka noho te Karaiti ki a tātou, ā māna tātou e arahi ki te Karaiti i ā ia e noho ana ki tēnei ao. He kupu maumaharatanga, he kupu taurangi mō ngā āhuatanga hou e tū mai rā. Mā te ngākau pūaroha o te Aweneti ō tātou pūmahara pai e whakaoho, māna anō hoki ngā kūwaha o te tūmanako e huaki.

Advent – The Promise of New Things to Come

Advent is preparation for the coming of the Lord both in commemoration of his nativity and his coming again at the end of time. It is the time to make ready for Christ to live with us, it leads to Christ’s life in time on earth. It is a time of memory and a promise of new things to come. It is the beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us memories of goodness and thus to open doors of hope.

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