“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And remember I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19 – 20)
Passing on the Gospel
The greatest gift we have as Christians is the Good News (Gospel), the words and deeds, the life death
and resurrection of Jesus. The Christian life is a pilgrimage, walking with the Lord, in which we are formed by his words and we imitate his life and actions. We are a people who give thanks, are formed in the Scriptures, and therefore the central task of every Christian community is to form disciples to walk with the risen Christ. You can find introductory material through the Catholic Enquiry Centre www.catholicenquiry.org.nz. Additionally any of our parishes would welcome you at any time to discuss the faith, or any issue that may have arisen for you.
Sacramental and Catechetical Formation
Young people and their families are the focus of sacramental formation, before Baptism, before First
Communion/Reconciliation and Confirmation. You will be welcomed/invited to join other parents and your children in programs that involve reflection on the sacrament, prayer and celebration. These programmes normally take place every year in every parish and so we invite you to make contact with your local parish. To find a parish view the map of the diocese. Most of the parishes base their catechetical programmes on those available through the Diocese of Auckland. Visit the Auckland site to view and download these resources.
Adult Education
Adults are formed in the faith within the parish community. The Diocese offers formal courses through the local site of Te Kupenga – Catholic Theological Office. You will also find within most parishes groups that will help form you in prayer or reflection on the liturgy or groups in which you can be formed in the mission of the church: the service of the poor, the welcome of the stranger, the care of those in need.
A formal course of formation for spiritual direction in the Ignatian tradition and the giving of the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola is available through Ignatian Spirituality NZ.
Most Catholics were baptised and welcomed into the church as infants. But more and more often the people joining the Church are feeling the call of the Lord and responding as adults. The way in which adults are welcomed into the Church is normally a gradual formation in the teachings of the faith, life in the community, liturgy, prayer and ministry. This is called the RCIA (Rite for the Christian Initiation of Adults), or catechumenate. It normally involves weekly meetings over the course of a year and culminates with baptism and welcome into the community at the great celebration of Easter. If you are interested in becoming a Catholic please feel free to approach your local parish and ask about the RCIA.
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