Youth and Young Adults

We actively strength, grow and develop our networks, communities, events and services across our diocese. Please contact your local youth minister for more information.

The theme of accompaniment is found in the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis called Christus vivit!, which means, Christ is alive! Pope Francis is very clear about his desire for young people to be accompanied in their faith journey. Young people, like most people, have varying degrees of connection to God, and it is the responsibility of all the baptised to encourage and accompany young people in their faith – not just the parish youth minister or school chaplain!!

Have you thought about how you can accompany young church to come to know the impact of Jesus in the world? Could you volunteer some help for the youth minister or chaplain in your area? Could you oversee some manaaki-hospitality at youth gatherings? Could you assist with transport? Could you pray for young people? Could you be a sponsor for confirmation and walk alongside young people as they grapple with faith in our secular society? 


Very often we wait for someone else to do something, wait on God even, to do something, but God has done something – God has created YOU to be bringers of the Gospel to all people (Matt 28:19-20). No, more than ever, young people need you, to be inspired by your witness and your example as we all endeavour to make Jesus known and loved.

Will you respond to God’s invitation to “Come, follow me” (Matt 4:19) and be a Holy Spirit inspired force in young church in this diocese?

Two documents are foundational to ministry with young people in Aotearoa New Zealand:


Contact a member of your regional team or visit us on Facebook


Have a question? We can help. Get in touch with the Diocese.