Liturgy & Prayer

The heart of Catholic life, the “Source and Summit” of all we do is our life of prayer and worship. In our daily gathering as a community to pray and worship, but especially on Sunday, we are formed by the Word of God and become one in Christ’s offering to the Father in the Eucharist.

Thanksgiving and Worship


The diocese offers formation in ministry and the liturgy, and recommends many links to support our liturgical life:

bread and wine

Daily prayer

Preparation of Sunday readings and Scripture

Weekly Scripture Reflections from Fr Marcus Francis

National site of liturgical resources

Diocese of Auckland Liturgy Centre

Archdiocese of Brisbane Liturgy Centre


Links to online lectionary texts:

New Revised Standard Version (recommended study bible and the translation used in the Canadian Lectionary)

The Jerusalem Bible (Original post Vatican 2 Lectionary)

United States Lectionary (CCD edition)


Retreats and Spiritual Direction


Click here to find information about and contacts for:

Spiritual direction

Prayer days, retreats in daily life, guided or directed retreats  

Christian Life Community (CLC)


We are also gifted with spiritual directors in the Marist community in the Hawkes Bay, and the Josephite community in Whanganui (contacts are available through the diocesan office).


The other great centre of retreat, formation and deep prayer is the Cistercian community, based at Kopua (near Norsewood), who for 50 years have lived a monastic life at the heart of the Diocese. You can spend time in their guest house or visit for prayer during the day, visit their website at




Within the Diocese there are also:

Groups who support the work of the Sisters of Compassion and offer retreats at Hiruharama on te Awa Whanganui

Carmelite spirituality

Third order of the Society of Mary 

St Vincent DePaul

Focolare Movement

Have a question? We can help. Get in touch with the Diocese.