Published on 24th Mar, 2023

For almost three years we have lived with COVID-19, including government implemented restrictions and corresponding church restrictions, including receiving Holy Communion under one kind – the Body of Christ.

This restriction has now been lifted and parishes are free to offer Communion under both kinds – both the body and blood of Christ.  Please remind Ministers of the Chalice to practise the usual procedures when ministering, including wiping the chalice both inside and out (with a clean part of the purifier) and rotating the chalice between recipients.  Also, please remind parishioners to receive from the chalice, only if they are well.

The following are some suggestions when ministering to those who are sick, elderly or immunocompromised.

People are free to offer a Sign of Peace with a handshake.  Please encourage understanding and kindness towards those who do not want to yet, offering a genuine word of peace and a warm smile.

Masks are no longer required. Parishes may choose whether they want people distributing Holy Communion to wear a mask.

Holy water can be made available at the entrance.  This water should be refreshed regularly.

Lastly, Ministers of Communion to the sick and homebound are encouraged to ask those who are receiving the Sacrament if they would like them to wear a mask.

Please make this information known to everyone.

With every good wish and blessing,

Fr Craig Butler
Local Administrator
Diocese of Palmerston North

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