Each year has its own highlights and challenges. For NZCEO we have enjoyed the adventure of participating in the OIEC* Catholic Education Convention in New York in June this year where we were part of a world-wide family of over 70 million students in Catholic schools.
We have continued to lead a major piece of work on the attendance-dues scheme and we have looked to see that it remains fit for purpose for the next few years. This has involved many hours of consultation and discussion with stakeholders but it has provided genuine engagement around the purpose and justice of our schools’ system.
NZCEO has worked to get two new Catholic integrated schools approved. We have reviewed the legislation and wording relating to integration agreements and we have managed a number of staff changes following promotions and retirements.
We are very aware of the excellent work done in our schools by our principals, teachers, students, boards and parents. Catholic schools remain a key part of the Church’s work in evangelisation and it is their focus on excellence that encourages parents to support the network. We wish all those involved a restful break and a joyful Christmas.
*The OIEC (Office International de l’Enseignement Catholique, the International Office of Catholic Education) International Congress 2019 was focused on Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ and on the contribution of Catholic schools to teaching the values of solidarity, humanism, and the safeguarding of the common house.
Ngā mihi mahana o te Kihirimete!
The Mana Whānau Mana Taiohi Diocesan Young Catholics Office has had another busy year. Young people involved in sacramental programmes, Young Vinnies, Caritas, Missionz, retirement homes, soup kitchens and the list of what’s good goes on! The Young Catholic Leader Programme is happening soon, then LifeTeen Summer Camps in January where 400 young people are going to celebrate being Catholic! Pope Francis has released an epic encouragement in Christus Vivit (CV) for young people to embrace their relationship with Jesus and the Church. The first line – ‘Christ is alive! And he wants you to be alive!’ (n.1) captures the imagination and allays the natural scepticism of the young who challenge, rage, embrace and even, at times, dismiss the Gospel truth. Maybe a good parish New Year’s resolution could be to better accompany and disciple them as they return from these events? The Christmas miracle is that Jesus was born – that solitary life has impacted the world more than any other. So, come let us adore him, and enable others to make him known and loved not just this Christmas season, but in every season!
Ngā mihi o te tau hoū ki a koutou katoa!
Kia ora koutou,
Warm greetings from the Education Team at the Diocese of Palmerston North.
We are blessed to have a group of schools in our diocese who work collaboratively to ensure they are faith and joy filled and where our tamariki encounter Christ.
Thank you for all that you do to ensure we are one vibrant faith community.
As a diocese we are moving forward in unity and the education team are excited to provide formation that is responsive to the needs of our schools. We feel privileged to accompany you.
The holidays are a time to rejuvenate, renew and spend time with whānau. Enjoy every minute.
May this season remind you of the Hope, Joy, Love and Peace found in Christ. May we be grateful for the blessings in our own lives and respond generously to the needs in our community.
Ma te Atua koutou e manaaki. May God bless you all. We are looking forward to accompanying you in 2020.
“We are a team of Catholic educators working to empower the ongoing transformation of authentically Catholic Schools within their faith communities through advice, support, challenge and professional formation”
‒ Our Statement of Purpose.
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